Another sister got married this past Saturday and, as was mentioned, a blizzard raged outside. The cold wasn’t too bad even with only a bridesmaid dress and light wool shawl, it was the wind. My hair was firmly anchored with a gallon of hairspray yet when I stepped outside it felt like it was going to be ripped off. Side note: If you consider yourself to be of the brave heroic sort, come visit us in the dead of winter.
The wedding went beautifully, my speech, the many performances by Shawna (the other unmarried sister), the food, the dresses (sewn by Mom) and the actual marrying part. I do remember one moment that was less than perfect. Wailing. Gut wrenching sobs. A snort. And, hold your horses folks, I am recalling the visual: A mouth at it’s furthest possible extension, shoulders rising and falling with alarming frequency and big juicy tears rolling down rosy cheeks (sandblasted from the aforementioned wind).
You begin to ponder on the possible source of this vision: A drunk wedding crasher? The Mother of the Bride? A jilted ex (or wanna be)? An over emotional guest who has just suffered the loss of her husband?
No, I respond to all of these suggestions! It was the younger sister of the Bride, bridesmaid #2, just between the signing of the registry and the final presentation of the couple.
Let us all raise our glasses in a toast to Shawna, for her deep love and appreciation for the state of marriage.