This is what company saw when the walked through the door (Sorry for the bad quality picture- it was taken after dark):
All in under 24 hours. Becca (Aaron's sister) came over Thursday night and helped (!) cleaning up all the dust, then we painted, and painted, and painted. We finished painting at 4 pm on Friday. Aaron and I then cleaned, hung fixtures, installed electrical covers and ran around like chickens with our heads chopped off (well- he was pretty calm and moving like molasses in January, I was the chicken).
Dinner was 35 minutes late and as I was setting it out on the table I realized. I forgot to cook. Noodles. Chicken and sauce needs noodles. Anyway they forgave me. I was too stressed to take pictures. I did take a picture of what was left of desert though! See Aaron and I had to dip into it again after company left to have with our coffee (WHY can I not lose weight?!?!). Banoffee pie. First time I ate it was at the T's in Scotland. Second time my mom tried to make it the sweetened condensed milk blew up all over the kitchen (you have to boil the milk in the tin for 4 hours and the pot boiled dry) so I never ate it that time. And third, voilà:
Chocolate, bananas, toffee, whipped cream and heath. Good stuff.
Can I just say, this is basically exactly what happened in OUR living room right before christmas. Although, I'm pretty sure we've been in our house longer than you guys (July for us) so we don't have a good excuse. The night before ALL the Rodger's descended on our house, we had JUST gotten new furniture, two walls still needed a final coat of paint, and we needed to take out old furniture - and rearrange everything. It was also a late night. Company does motivate you.
- Your favourite cousin named Rosalyn
WOW!! Thats amazing! good job! You're banoffee pie looks great too! What did you end up doing with the cream?
Rosalyn- We've owned the house since October of two years ago and moved in June of last year. But we had to redo the electrical, plumbing, furnace so painting is one of the almost done items:)
Suz- I used a LITTLE bit of icing sugar... and it was a little bland. I don't know why. Aaron loved the desert though!!
Angelina! That pie looks fantastic! And I really appreciate your proper use of the accent on voilà. :)
And your living room looks so cozy and beautiful! Great job! I looooooove the colour and the fact that you were bold enough to use a dark colour in such a small space. Good for you! Looks amazing! I wish I could come over for a visit........
I have dreams of going on roadtrips with my new little family, so maybe one day we'll make it out there. How many hours are you away from Chicago?
I LOVE banoffee pie! and great job on the room transformation :)
Your pie looks quite yummy Angelina, but what is heath? GMR
Gab- I loooove dark colours! and in small spaces they make you feel hugged. It's kinda like a cup of tea. Light rooms make me feel lost and alone. We are just under 4 hours away- just a short jaunt! (I had to go to for the spelling and they gave me the accent:P)
G- heath is the same thing as skor bar. They don't have skor bits down here. Weird eh?!
I LOVE THE LIVING ROOM!!! SWELL!! And oh my, will you please someday promise to make me that pie? and I think we do have skor bar... cuz if not, why have I heard of it? Hmmm, you're not looking hard enough. haha. or maybe we just have the bar, not the "bits".
The pie looks awesome Angelina! You can find Skor bar bits, it just takes some searching, and not all stores carry them. Enjoy your company this week!
What really impresses us about this is that you have mastered the first rule of Scottish cooking - leave a large portion of pie for breakfast. If you also left over cold sausage rolls, you have become a Master Chef.
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